Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS Count) 24 January 2022

Here are the totals of all species of bird seen on Monday 24 January at WWT Welney.

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS Count) from Monday 24 January

Highlights were Tundra bean geese, cattle egret and Bewick's swans remaining on the washes during the day. Also good to see black-tailed godwit numbers have bounced back since the high water levels at the start of the month, good totals of golden plover and lapwing too. With the water levels as they are we saw good numbers of snipe, and whilst no goldeneye this time numbers of pochard have increased.

Cormorant – 12
Cattle egret - 6
Great white egret - 10
Little egret - 6
Grey heron - 4
Mute swan – 26
Bewick’s swan – 6
Whooper swan - 62
Greylag goose - 9
Canada goose - 2
Tundra bean goose - 8
Shelduck - 29
Wigeon - 1600
Pochard - 405
Gadwall - 42
Teal - 460
Mallard - 401
Pintail – 35
Shoveler - 110
Tufted duck - 80
Moorhen - 2
Coot - 206
Golden plover - 1200
Lapwing - 4800
Dunlin - 9
Snipe - 61
Black-tailed godwit - 1510
Redshank - 12
Curlew – 1
Great black-backed gull – 1
Black-headed gull – 115
Common gull – 18
Lesser black-backed gull - 10
Marsh harrier - 2
Buzzard - 4
Kestrel - 1
Sparrowhawk – 1
Barn owl - 1
Pheasant - 5
Carrion crow - 8
Jackdaw - 20
Rook – 130
Magpie - 21
Wood pigeon - 350
Collard dove - 4
Feral pigeon – 16
Stock dove - 12
Great spotted woodpecker – 2
Kingfisher - 1
Skylark – 2
Meadow pipit - 6
Stonechat - 2
Starling - 150
Reed bunting - 2
Chaffinch - 14
Goldfinch - 3
Greenfinch - 1
Great tit - 3
Blue tit – 6
Blackbird – 2
Fieldfare – 35
Mistle thrush – 2
Robin – 2
House sparrow – 25
Tree sparrow - 3
Redwing - 1

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