Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) December 2022

Species totals of the birds seen across the WWT Welney reserve on Tuesday 20 December 2022

Below is a table of the species seen and total number of those species by the team during the Wetland bird survey for December at WWT Welney.

Canada Goose 93
Greylag Goose 486
Mute Swan 63
Common Shelduck 1
Northern Shoveler 19
Gadwall 37
Eurasian Wigeon 2906
Mallard 843
Northern Pintail 93
Eurasian Teal 469
Common Pochard 199
Tufted Duck 28
Grey Heron 13
Cattle Egret 3
Great White Egret 1
Great Cormorant 13
Water Rail 2
Common Moorhen 27
Common Coot 40
Common Crane 5
Northern Lapwing 196
European Golden Plover 15
Grey Plover 2
Curlew 3
Black-tailed Godwit 142
Ruff 13
Dunlin 5
Common Snipe 4
Redshank 15
Eurasian Marsh Harrier 3
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 1
Common Buzzard 8
Wood pigeon 20
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Common Kestrel 14
Barn Owl 3
Short-Eared Owl 6
Pheasant 18
Magpie 29
Collared Dove 3
Feral Pigeon 4
Jackdaw 24
Rook 100
Carrion Crow 19
Jay 1
Stonechat 3
Meadow Pipit 16
Water Pipit 1
Skylark 6
Fieldfare 27
Redwing 3
Blackbird 10
Goldfinch 77
Chaffinch 17
Great Tit 13
Blue Tit 12
Robin 8
Wren 1
Starling 87
Stock Dove 14
Black-Headed Gull 511
Common Gull 18
Lesser Black-Backed Gull 5
Great Black-Backed Gull 3
Tree Sparrow 1
House Sparrow 30
Reed Bunting 1
Pied Wagtail 2
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