Wetland-inspired words to mark National Poetry Day

It's #NationalPoetryDay, the annual celebration of making, experiencing and sharing poetry.

This year's theme is 'Environment', with a call to action to find or write a poem that speaks about something you’d like to change or praise about the environment.

In celebration of wetlands and the restorative power they have for our wellbeing, we've written our own free verse poem to share with you. We hope you like it!

'The Wetland Breathes As I Breathe'

The wetland breathes as I breathe

It’s lungs, my lungs

It’s heart, my heart

I visit each season, more often if I can

Checking in on it

Checking in with myself

A jay chatters in the tree canopy overhead

Winter is coming and his frantic search for acorns has begun

His secret stash to sustain him through the colder months

As his presence will sustain me

I watch two tufted ducks up-ending on the pond

Their sleek humbug bodies send ripples skittering towards the edge

Diving for food, they resurface and submerge time and again

I wonder how long they’ve been doing this

The cool, dark water speaks of centuries

Life comes and goes here

It ebbs and flows

And my highs and lows

Are reflected back to me

I visit the wetland each season, more often if I can

I stand near the rushes and breathe

This place, so fragile in its balance

Strengthens me somehow

I feel worry in the deep pool of my stomach

But my heart flutters bird-like with hope and dives down to calm it

And I feel my bones through my skin

For more poetry inspired by the environment, head to the #NationalPoetryDay website and check out this selection curated by the organisers https://nationalpoetryday.co.uk/poems/

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