Wetland wildlife gets boost from players of People’s Postcode Lottery

Musa and Mimi's enclosure
Musa and Mimi's enclosure

Wetland wildlife at WWT Washington is set to benefit from the generous support of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Players of the charity lottery have awarded £175,000 to WWT, to help us improve wetland homes for wildlife at our nine UK Wetland Centres – including WWT Washington – and get more people up close and learning about nature during 2015.

Accepting the generous cheque, WWT Chief Executive Martin Spray CBE said: “WWT’s ethos starts with the simple act of feeding a duck.

“That connection with nature is more special if you’re feeding the world’s rarest goose, saved from extinction by our experts. It’s even more special when you’re surrounded by some of the UK’s top wildlife at one of our world class Wetland Centres, carefully designed and managed so wildlife will flourish."

WWT Chief Executive Martin Spray CBE accepts the generous cheque
WWT Chief Executive Martin Spray CBE accepts the generous cheque

“Support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery will ensure that WWT goes from strength to strength this year, by making our Wetland Centres even better for wildlife, and helping even more people to make that special connection with nature.”

Clara Govier, Head of Charities at People’s Postcode Lottery, added: “I am delighted that players of People’s Postcode Lottery are able to support the great work carried out by the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust.

“Support from players will ensure the improvement in reserves and ensure that even more people learn about wetland wildlife. This funding marks a great start to 2015 for the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust.”

New developments at WWT Washington made possible by the players’ support include an accessible platform at our Asian short-clawed otter enclosure.

Musa and Mimi, its charismatic inhabitants, are a popular draw for visitors young and old alike; engaging and entertaining families with their cheeky antics, teaching school groups more about WWT’s vital work with threatened species and providing unrivalled picture opportunities for photographers.

Visibility at certain points of the exhibit is limited however, and plans are now in place to create a raised viewing platform along the bottom corner of the exhibit to help improve this.

WWT Washington’s marketing manager Leanne McCormella said: “We’re extremely grateful for this generous People’s Postcode Lottery funding, which will go a long way in supporting not only our conservation work saving wetland wildlife and its habitats; but also our vision of bringing nature and people closer together for the benefit of both.

“The new viewing platform at the otter enclosure is a much-needed development and will be fully wheelchair accessible; large enough to hold a school group and allow even better angles for photographers.”

Thanks to the flexible nature of the players’ financial support, all nine of WWT’s Wetland Centres and the new Steart Marshes reserve in Somerset will benefit in various other ways during the year.

For example, North East schoolchildren will be given the chance to spend more time learning outdoors thanks to a new school mentoring scheme to be launched by WWT in the autumn.

WWT’s learning experts will work with one school in each region to develop the best standards of outdoor learning, so that more of the curriculum can be delivered in the natural environment. The school will then become a resource for other schools within the area.

Martin Spray continued: “We’re incredibly grateful to players of People’s Postcode Lottery for this opportunity and we hope to welcome many of them to our Wetland Centres throughout 2015.”

See Musa and Mimi at their enclosure throughout the day and learn more about them during twice-daily feeds at 11.30am and 3pm (included in admission) http://www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/washington/whats-on/2013/11/02/commentated-otter-feed/


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