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Wetlands are the way: Our new strategy to 2030

Today we have published our strategy to 2030 - "Wetlands are the way" which sets out how we will operate and our priorities for the next seven years, including a new mission to restore wetlands and unlock their power.

Restoring wetlands, building partnerships and inspiring action

Today we have published our strategy to 2030 - "Wetlands are the way", which sets out how we will operate and our priorities for the next seven years, including a new mission to restore wetlands and unlock their power.

We also have three new ambitions which build on our long history of evidence-based conservation to protect wetlands and the species that rely on them. These are:

  • RESTORE. We will restore bigger, better and more connected wetlands 
  • INSPIRE. We will inspire people to value, act for and benefit from wetlands 
  • THRIVE. We will become a more thriving, sustainable and effective organisation

To build bigger and more connected wetlands we will speed up and strengthen nature’s revival with increased innovation, more pioneering research and getting our hands and boots muddy.

We will work to actively create and restore 100,000 hectares of wetlands in the UK by 2050 and to improve 1 million hectares of wetlands through locally-led action in our priority hotspots around the world.

To do this we will need to build new partnerships with businesses and governments, like the groundbreaking £21m partnership with Aviva to restore and manage carbon-storing, flood-buffering salt marsh in the UK, or our plan to work with the government in Madagascar to develop a national plan of action for wetlands.

To inspire more to people to value, act for and benefit from wetlands, we will speak up for these incredible habitats with a louder, bolder voice, create opportunities for meaningful connections with nature, and build partnerships to create a movement of one million people taking action for wetlands.

Looking inwards, we’re also going to hold ourselves to a high standard on diversity, inclusion and fair pay as well as investing in the tools, infrastructure and technology needed to help us effectively champion and restore wetlands.

Finally, our logo is getting a refresh and we’re going to refer to ourselves simply as WWT from now on. Though our logo has changed it remains very much inspired by our founder Sir Peter Scott’s design showing a pair of Bewick’s Swans.

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