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Wetlands given cash injection by People’s Postcode Lottery players

Wetlands will receive a £600,000 boost this year thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The amazing players of People’s Postcode Lottery have provided WWT with more than £2 million of support over the past five years which have aided everything from vital Bewick’s swan research to the construction of pondzones for learning about science and discovery.

Their sustained support is so important to us as their funding is unrestricted. It allows us the flexibility to embark on ambitious new ventures that need to be planned long before we can secure funding and helps us complete projects which have funding gaps.

Chief Executive Martin Spray explains:

This latest announcement is tremendous news, marking five years of partnership and very generous support from the generous players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

In a world where this type of funding is very rare, the nature of this award enables us to respond to opportunities or challenges at very short notice in a way that many of our peers find hard to do.

The funding also goes beyond big projects, supporting the work of various staff and volunteers who keep WWT thriving every day. Players have backed our Puddle Jumping events and our Dusty Duck children’s story book that helps us engage youngsters with nature and conservation.

In 2019, the funding will help us create new exhibits and experiences across our sites including a Discovery Hide at Washington and undertake wetland conservation action projects like habitat restoration at Martin Mere.

We will also be developing new facilities for our resident animals such as a diving duck enclosure at Arundel and the transformation and expansion of the otter quarters at Martin Mere.

These projects and many more help WWT to inspire and encourage people to connect with our wetlands and get right behind wetland conservation.

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