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Which way first?

Recent visitors to the reserve have probably asked themselves the same question when they arrive - 'which way first?'.  The Tack Piece is currently playing host to 3000+ birds, increasing further when the Golden Plover flock drop in.  Meanwhile at the other end of the reserve the Top New Piece, viewed from the Zeiss Hide as a similar number of birds and a great mix of species.  So, you'll just have to visit both and don't forget to check everywhere in between too!

Zeiss Hide

Birds counted this morning included 34 Snipe on the islands, 260+ Dunlin, 180+ Golden Plover, 20 Curlew, 12 Ruff, a Redshank, 70 Pintail, 800+ Wigeon and 500+ Teal.

South Lake Hides

The Oystercatcher who has arrived back early for the breeding season was on the causeway this morning with other birds including 350 Lapwing, 20 Black-tailed Godwit, 65 Shelduck, 38 Shoveler, 2 Pintail and the Great Crested Grebe.

Martin Smith Hide

This hide offers great views of Tack Piece where this morning birds included 1891 Lapwing, 34 Dunlin, 6 Redshank, 81 Curlew and 1000+ duck.

Holden Tower

A pair of Crane were on Dumbles this morning, a pair of Peregrine were on the southern cross fence.  The White-front flock have moved to a different field to north and are in the Stall House Ground hidden behind hedge.  Watch out for them heading back to the Tack Piece for a drink and bathe later in the day.  A small flock of 42 Shelduck were on the river at low tide.  The Pillbox Pool next to the tower held 78 Wigeon and a few Teal.  A good number of diving duck were on the Long Ground Pool to the south of the tower (over the fence) including 42 Pochard and 152 Tufted Duck.

Kingfisher Hide

A Brent Goose was amongst the 242 strong Barnacle flock this morning on the Bottom New Piece along with 14 Redshank, 16 Ruff, 18 Curlew, 50+ Dunlin, 250+ Teal, 200+ Lapwing and 50+ Wigeon.

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