Whooper swan counts

We undertook a swan count at Martin Mere on 20 November as part of a national swan count that was taking place between 19 and 21 November. We look at the number of swans, the brood size and therefore the % of young swans. Some really interesting information found. We undertook our survey at about 11am in the morning so we were able to review where the swans that roost at Martin Mere go throughout the day. Please feel free to ask any questions.

Martin Mere survey results:

Time Place name Grid1 Grid2 Grid3 Habitat Species Flock size Total Aged Total juvs
09:20 Cock Fen TL XXX XXX Plough WS 35 35 4
11:15 Martin Mere SD 428 143 Nature Reserve WS 264 264 51
11:38 Low Meadows SD 461 141 Stubble WS 28 28 9
12:02 Estate 1 SD 408 164 Stubble Ws 132 132 17
13:00 Carr Moss Lane SD 344 116 Stubble/standing water WS 324 324 56
13:30 Dam Wood SD 400 131 Stubble WS 174 174 22
13:30 Dam Wood SD 400 131 Turf WS 224 224 14
13:50 Bescar Lane Farm SD 392 153 Stubble WS 316 316 47
Total 1462 1462 216
% Juvs 15%

National results:

Total aged Total young 1 cyg 2 cyg 3 cyg 4 cyg 5 cyg 6 cyg 7 cyg % young
Scotland 571 96 16 15 7 6 1 16.8
England 6963 2231 196 152 59 35 15 1 9 32
NI 332 64 12 4 8 5 0 0 19.3
TOTAL 7866 2391 224 171 74 46 16 1 9
% young 30.4
Mean   brood size 2.1
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