Whoopers Return !!


The change of wind direction yesterday was exactly what the Whooper Swans have been waiting for, with around 170 arriving on the Mere overnight, and over 300 present by late afternoon. Numbers of Pink-footed Geese also seem to have increased, but no accurate count has yet been made. Nevertheless, there are perhaps around 20,000 in the immediate area.

Other wildfowl are continuously arriving, and particularly good numbers of Wigeon, Pintail, Teal and Shoveller are present.

A Great White Egret has again been frquenting the ditches around the reserve, and is being seen intermittantly from both the Mere and the Ron Barker hide, where Kingfishers are continuing to show frequently and well.

A Merlin was seen yesterday, and Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Marsh Harrier are being seen regularly

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