Wildlife sightings - 01/06/2022

a.m. Tide Level: Mid

Wader Lake

Arctic tern (first summer) 1

Common tern 155

Avocet 35 (+ lots of chicks)

Oystercatcher 3 (1 chick)

Lapwing 10

Swallow 5

Shelduck 32 (11 ducklings)

Tufted duck 4

Shoveler 2

Canada goose 13 (6 goslings)

Greylag 5

Black-headed gull 81 (2 chicks)

Grey heron 27

Saline Lagoon

Grey heron 1

Shelduck 2

Canada goose 5

Greylag 1

Hawthorn Wood

Bullfinch 1

Great-spotted woodpecker 1

Wood pigeon 1

Great tit 1

Chaffinch 3

Robin 2

The Lookout

Great tit 3

Chaffinch 2

Bullfinch 2

Dunnock 1

Other birds

Goldfinch - 2 - Amphibian ponds

Reed bunting - 1 - Amphibian ponds

Cormorant - 1 - River Wear

Blackcap - 2 - Wader Lake footpath

Willow tit - 6 (5 fledglings) - Reserve orchard

Sedge warbler - 1 - River reedbed

Reed warbler - 1 - Filter reedbed

Sedge warbler - 1 - Filter reedbed

Tree sparrow - 1 - Centre feeders


Roe deer


Orange ladybird

Azure damselfly


Hedge woundwort


Yellow oat grass

Coats beard

Common spotted orchard

False oat grass

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