Wildlife sightings - 01/07/16

a.m. Tide Level: low

Wader Lake

Avocet 40

Lapwing 22

Redshank 16


Little ringed plover 2 + 2 chicks

Ringed plover 1

Common tern 130 + 36 chicks

House Martin 12

Grey heron 24

Grey wagtail 1

Saline Lagoon

Gadwall 4

Grey heron 2

Hawthorn Wood (lots of fledged wood)

Jay 1

Great spotted woodpecker 2 juvenile

Willow tit 3 + 5 juvenile

Blue tit 6 + 16 juvenile

Great tit 5 + 10 juvenile

Coal tit 3

Bullfinch 13 + 3 juvenile

Greenfinch 4

Goldfinch 12

Chaffinch 9 + 6 juvenile

Wren 1

Stock dove 2

Other birds

Willow warbler - 1 + 3 juvenile - East Down

Whitethroat - 2 + 5 juvenile - Gully

Chiffchaff - 3 + juvenile - Wader Lake footpath

Blackcap - 1 + 1 juvenile -Lagoon footpath

Other wildlife and flora

Bank vole - Hawthorn Wood


Ruby-tailed wasp

Speckled wood

Azure damselfly

Great mullein

Meadow cranesbill

Bee orchid

Common spotted orchid

Field buttercup

Water forget me not

Yellow loosestrife


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