Wildlife sightings - 02/01/19

Wader Lake (AM, low tide):

Shelduck 7

Teal 26

Water rail (Paddy Fleming Hide) 1

Lapwing 65

Black-headed gull 13

Snipe 2


Saline lagoon (AM, low tide):

Grey heron 1

Curlew 1

Snipe 1


Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Great-spotted woodpecker 3

Brambling 14 (site record)

Lesser redpoll 4

Reed bunting 1

Nuthatch 1

Willow tit 1

Siskin 1

Bullfinch 8

Goldfinch 3

Chaffinch 15

Great tit 7

Blue tit 10



Mute swan over site 2

Kestrel on Wader Lake footpath 1

Redwing on Wader Lake footpath 16

Tufted duck at the reservoir 47

Long-tailed tit on Saline Lagoon footpath 6

Mistle thrush on Saline Lagoon footpath 1

Goosander on the River Wear 1

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