Wildlife sightings - 03/06/2021

Wader Lake (AM, low tide):

Shelduck 28 plus 11 chicks

Avocet 24 plus 2 chicks

Redshank 5 plus 1 fledgling

Moorhen 2 plus 3 chicks

Lapwing 8

Canada goose 17

Tufted duck 5

Black-headed gull 30

Grey heron 18

Common tern 208

Oystercatcher 7 plus 2 chicks

Gadwall 2

Shoveler 2 male and 1 female

Mute swan 1

Saline Lagoon (AM, low tide):

Avocet 3

Shelduck 1

Hawthorn Wood:

Bullfinch 3 male and 3 female

Blue tit 2

Great tit 5

Reed bunting 1 male and 1 female

Greenfinch 1

Magpie 3

The Lookout feeding station:

Bullfinch 3

Nuthatch 2

Chaffinch 4

Great tit 1

Other birds and wildlife of note:

Mute swan on the River Wear 2

Sedge warbler at the amphibian ponds 3

A buzzard in Spring Gill wood

An oystercatcher on the stream channel

Wall butterfly and orange-tip butterfly at the amphibian ponds

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