Wildlife sightings - 05/05/21

Wader Lake (AM, high tide):

Whimbrel 1

Common terns 28

Gadwall 2

Shelduck 20

Shoveler 28

Avocet 30

Grey heron 20 (plus 5 on the meadow)

Black-headed gull 45

Oystercatcher 5

Lapwing 9

Herring gull 35

Saline lagoon (AM, high tide):

Avocet 2

Mallard 18

Canada goose 2 (on the meadow)

Greylag goose 2 (on the meadow)

Jay 1

Hawthorn Wood:

Nuthatch 1

Dunnock 1

Chaffinch 3

Bullfinch 2 (male)

Reed bunting 1 (male)

Blue tit 2

Lookout feeding station:

Bullfinch 2 (one male, one female)

Chaffinch 2

Blue tit 3


Blackcap heard singing 6

Stitchwort at the amphibian ponds

Bush vetch on the saline lagoon footpath

Adder's-tongue fern on Top Meadow

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