Wildlife sightings 06/04/21

Wader Lake (am, high tide):

Lesser black-backed gull 3

Black-headed gulls 42

Lapwing 12 (4 nesting on Wader Meadow)

Grey heron 16 (4 on the meadow, 12 in the heronry)

Teal 3 (2 male, 1 female)

Redshank 31

Oystercatcher 2

Greylag 16

Canada goose 12

Black-tailed godwit 1

Avocet 18

Saline Lagoon (am, high tide):

Mute swan 2 (a pair)

Lesser black-backed gull 2

Shelduck 2 (a pair)

Teal 24

Oystercatcher 2 (a pair)

Shoveler 2 (a pair)

Canada goose 2 (a pair)

Gadwall 2 (a pair)

Hawthorn Wood:

Great-spotted woodpecker 1 (male)

Coal tit 4

Bullfinch 2 (female)

Dunnock 2

Blue tit 6

Nuthatch 1

Reed bunting 1 (male)

Robin 1

Other birds around site:

Greylag goose (2) and chiffchaff (2) on Wader Lake footpath

Plus beefly (5) on Wader Lake footpath

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