wildlife Sightings - 07/02/2022

Weather: Frosty a bit of brigh

Wind speed: none

River wear tide level: mid


Wader lake:

Mute Swan - 3 (1 cygnet)

Shelduck - 17

Grey Heron - 14

Canada Goose - 19

Shoveler duck - 9

Herring Gulls - 62

Black-headed Gulls - 121

Lapwing - 15

Wigeon - 4

Tufted duck - 1

Teal - 22

Saline lagoon:

Moorhen - 1

Redshank - 1

Curlew - 1

Other wildlife nothed around site:

Mistle Thrush - 1 (Wader lake meadow)

Wren - 3 (1 Hollow wood, 2 across site)

Grey Heron - 1 ( Forgotten Meadow)

Song Thrush - 1 (North wood)

Great spotted woodpecker - 1 ( Centre feeders)

Hawthorn wood:

Dunnock - 2

Long-Tailed tits - 2

Greenfinch - 2

Jay - 1

Robin - 3

Bullfinch - 9

Coal tits - 3

Lookout feeding station:

Bullfinch - 5

Chaffinch - 5

Robin - 3

Dunnock - 1

Great spotted woodpecker - 1 (singing)

Other wildlife species spotted around site:


Roa Deer - 2 (River wear) going ou with the tide

Grey squirrel - 4 ( around wwt washington)

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