Wildlife sightings - 07/09/2020

a.m. Tide Level: Low

Wader Lake

Lapwing 53

Dunlin 1

Snipe 2

Redshank 7

Shoveler 2

Curlew 2

Saline Lagoon

Lapwing 11

Grey heron 2

Little egret 1

Hawthorn Wood

Sparrowhawk 1

Blue tit 11

Great tit 13

Robin 3

Coal tit 4

Other birds

Nuthatch - heard - Hawthorn Wood

Sparrowhawk - 1 - Amphibian ponds

Robin - 2 - The Lookout

Coal tit - 1 - The Lookout

Nuthatch - heard - The Lookout


Penny bun

Stinkhorn egg

Rosy brittlegill

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