Wildlife sightings - 09/07/2018

Wader Lake (AM, mid level):

Avocets 11 adults and 16 chicks in broods of 4/4/3/3/2

Shelduck 3 (1 adult and 2 ducklings)

Moorhen 9

Grey heron 10 (2 adults and 8 juveniles)

Little ringed plover 1

Teal 5

Pied wagtail 2

Common tern 130

Common whitethroat 2


Saline lagoon:

Common snipe 1

Shelduck 1


Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Willow tit 2

Jay 1

Magpie 4

Great spotted woodpecker 2

Robin 2

Pheasant 4


Plus a song thrush at the amphibian ponds and 2 wren in North Wood


Ringlet butterfly

Yellow and purple loosestrife, betony, self-heal

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