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Wildlife Sightings 09/09/2023

Weather: Bright. Sunny

River Wear Tide Level: Low

* Tractor in doing annual hay cut so some disturbance for the count *

Wader Lake Species

Teal - 24

Black - tailed Godwit - 7

Canada Goose - 1

Greylag Goose - 4

Snipe - 1

Lapwing - 59

Curlew - 2

Grey Heron - 9

Redshank - 58

Hawthorn Wood Bird Feeding Station

Greenfinch - 5

Blue Tit - 4

Great Tit - 3

Bird Species Noted Around Site

Rook - 1 - Hidden Meadow

Heron - 1 - Saline Lagoon

Teal - 8 - Saline Lagoon

Black- headed Gull - 6 - Saline Lagoon

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