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Wildlife Sightings - 09/10/2023

Weather: cloudy with sunny spells
River Wear Tide Level: low + coming in

Wader Lake Species

Redshank - 1

Teal - 4

Moorhen - 4

Saline Lagoon Species

Bar-tailed godwit - 1

Kingfisher - 1

Sparrow hawk - 1

Teal - 23

Jay - 1

Hawthorn Wood Bird Feeding Station

Blue Tit - 3

Pheasant - 4

Coal Tit - 1

Bullfinch - 1 +1 Juvenile

Great Tit - 1

Dunnock - 2

Willow tit - 1

Long-tailed tit - 3

Moorhen - 1

Magpie - 1

Siskin - 1

Other Bird Species Noted

Willow Tit (Reservoir) - 1 (unringed) (Heard only) (Lagoon Meadow path)

Willow Tit (Reservoir) - 1 (unringed) (Hawthorn wood)

Grey Wagtail - 1 (Visitor centre)

Redwing - 4 (Flew south west) (Forgotten meadow ponds)

Tufted duck - 13 (Reservoir)

Buzzard -1 (Reedbed Lookout)

Lapwing - 30 (Flew South) (Top Meadow)

Curlew - 1 (River wear)

Buzzard - 1 (Top Meadow)

Other Wildlife Species Noted Around Site


Grey Squirrel


Dragonfly's (Wader lake path)

Flora / Fungi:

Stump Puffball

Giant Puffball

Ink cap

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