Wildlife Sightings - 10/11/2022

Weather: cloudy / windy

River wear tide level: mid


Wader lake:

Moorhen - 5

Black-headed Gull - 9

Teal - 27

Hawthorn wood:

Great tit - 5

Willow tit - 1

Blue tit - 4

Bullfinch - 2

Chaffinch - 1

Robin - 1

Coal tit - 1

Magpie - 7

Other birds noted around site:

Little Egret - 1 (River wear)

Grey Heron - 1 (River wear)

Curlew - 1 (River wear)

Red-shank - 3 (River wear)

Tufted duck - 17 (Reservoir)

Coot - 1 (Reservoir)

Song Thrush - 1 (Saline lagoon footpath)

Green-finch - 1 (The Lookout)

Bullfinch - 3 (The Lookout)

Chaffinch - 4 (The Lookout)

Great tit - 5 (The Lookout)

Kingfisher - 1 (The Gully)

Other wildlife species spotted around grounds:

Flora / Fungi:

Bloody Brittle-gill

False Saffron Milk-cap

White Saddle

(West of the reserve)

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