Wildlife sightings - 11/07/18

Wader Lake (AM, low tide):

Avocet 11 adults and broods of 4, 4, 3, 3 and 2 chicks

Common snipe 2

Linnet 2 (pair)

Common tern 58 adults and 71 juveniles

Little ringed plover 3

Grey heron adult 1 and 4 juveniles

Pied wagtail 3


Saline lagoon (AM, low tide):

Lapwing 2


Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Great-spotted woodpecker 1

Blue tit 4

Great tit 9



Common whitethroat 1 adult and 3 chicks on Wader Lake footpath

Curlew 3, lapwing 5 and mute swan 4 on the River Wear

Chiffchaff 2 in North Wood

Greenfinch 2 and bullfinch 2 on the lagoon footpath

A grey wagtail at the river viewpoint

A great-spotted woodpecker in Hollowod

Common carder bee



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