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Wildlife Sightings - 1/11/2023


Weather: rain

River Wear Tide Level: mid

Wader Lake Species

Teal - 65

Black-headed Gull - 12

Herring Gull - 2

Grey Heron - 1 juvenile

Redshank - 1

Hawthorn Wood Bird Feeding Station

Willow tit - 1

Robin - 2

Goldfinch - 1

Brambling - 1

Coal tit - 3

Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1

Chaffinch - 5

Bullfinch - 2

Bird Species Noted Around Site

Sparrow hawk - 1 (Saline lagoon)

Little Egret - 1 (Saline lagoon)

Grey Heron - 1 (Saline lagoon)

Teal - 1 (Saline lagoon)

Bullfinch - 2 (Wader lake footpath)

Goldfinch - 5 (Wader lake footpath)

Goosander - 1 (River wear)

Other Wildlife species noted around site:

Flora / Fungi:

Sulphur Tuff - 20 (Middle wood)

Sulphur Tuff - 100 (Hollow wood)

Shaggy inkcap - 3 (Saline lagoon meadow)

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