Wildlife sightings - 12/05/16

a.m. Tide Level: Low

Wader Lake

Avocet 17

Little ringed plover 2

Redshank 2

Lapwing 9 (+ 4 chicks)

Oystercatcher 2

Common tern 36

Black headed gull 2 (nest building)

Shoveler 4

Gadweall 3

Grey heron 26 (+ 30 young)

Shelduck 16

Saline Lagoon

Avocet 1

Shelduck 6

Shoveler 2

Hawthorn Wood

Bullfinch 6

Greenfinch 2

Long-tailed tit 2

Blackcap 1

Reed bunting 1

Saprrow Hawk 1

Jay 1

Wren 1

Other birds

*Lesser Whitethroat (seen 17:00 11/5/16 - Window on the Wear path)

Mute swan - 3 - Filter reedbed (2) and Wader Lake (1)

Kestrel - 1 - Old Oak Meadow

Reed warbler - 2 - Round table ponds

Sedge warbler - 3 - Wader Lake (1) and River Reedbed (2)

Willow Warbler - 10 - Site count

Common whitethroat - 4 - Site count

Chiffchaff - 16 - Site count

House Martin - 3 - Over site

Other wildlife and flora

Tadpoles developing well

Orange tip butterfly

Speckled wood peacock butterfly

Red clover

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