Wildlife sightings - 13/10/18

Wader Lake (AM, high tide):

Lapwing 114

Greenshank 1

Redshank 55

Common snipe 5

Curlew 4

Starling 5

Grey heron 3

Common gull 1

Black-headed gull 90

Teal 117


Saline lagoon (AM, high tide):

Female marsh harrier over the reedbed and lagoon

Greenshank 2

Curlew 2

Grey heron 1


Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Great-spotted woodpecker 2

Willow tit 2

Coal tit 3

Goldfinch 10

Dunnock 2

Robin 3

Jay 1



Redwing 4

Bullfinch 2

Siskin 6

Song thrush 2

Blackbird 12

Long-tailed tit 8

...all on Wader Lake footpath.

Tree sparrow on the centre feeders 2

Stoat in the gully

Red admiral butterfly at Spring Gill

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