wildlife Sightings - 14/03/2022

Weather: bright, sunny

Wind speed: mid

River wear tide level: none


Wader lake:

Ruddy Shelduck - 2

Common Snipe - 1

Oystercatcher - 2

Gadwall - 12

Grey Heron - 35

Shelduck - 46

Lapwing - 19

Mute Swan - 2

Shoveler - 5

Teal - 2

Tufted duck - 1

Black - heade Gulls - 207

Herring Gulls - 93

Greylag Goose - 6

Canada Goose - 12

Saline lagoon:

Teal - 15

Shelduck - 3

Other birds noted aroud site:

Wren - 2 (Hidden meadow)

Bullfinch - 2 (Wader lake footpath)

Jay - 1 (Spring gill wood)

Chiff Chaff - 1 (Domestics pen)

Wren - 1 (Middle wood)

Willow tit - 1 (Staff car park)

Greenfinch - 3 (Gorse Hedge @ Saline Lagoon)

Nuthatch - 1 (River reedbed)

Kestrel - 1 (Sline Lagoon)

Greylag - 2 (Orchard)

Greylay - 3 (Reservoir)

Hawthorn wood:

Lookout feeding station:

Great Spotted woodpecker - 1

Bullfinch - 2

Nuthatch - 1

Dunnock - 1

Long - tailed tits - 2

Chaffinch - 2

Other wildlife species spotted around site:

Grey squirrels-3


Grey Heron flying off onto wader lake footpath or river wear regulaly and returning with nesting materials in their beaks

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