Wildlife sightings - 14/04/2022

Wader Lake (AM, mid-tide):

Canada goose 21

Greylag goose 16

Mallard 29

Teal 7

Shelduck 23

Shoveler 3

Gadwall 13

Lapwing 19

Black-headed gull 32

Herring gull 15

Avocet 7

Grey heron 20

Oystercatcher 4

Lesser black

Saline lagoon:

Redshank 1

Oystercatcher 2

Teal 5

Mallard 1

Shoveler 1

Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Reed bunting 2

Great-spotted woodpecker 2

Bullfinch 7

Nuthatch 1

Greenfinch 2

Long-tailed tit 1

Dunnock 2

Chaffinch 5

The Lookout feeding station:

Bullfinch 2

Willow tit 1

Chiff chaff 1

Dunnock 1

Blue tit 3

Great tit 4

Chaffinch 1

Other birds noted:

Treecreeper in North Wood 1

Redshank on the River Wear 2

Lesser black-backed gull 1

Song thrush at the dragonfly ponds 2

Chiffchaff on Wader Lake footpath 2

Black cap at Northumbrian Water hide 1

Wren on the saline lagoon footpath 1

Other highlights:

Grey squirrel at Hawthorn Wood Hide 3

Buff-tailed bumblebee around site 4

Speckled wood on saline lagoon footpath 1

Glistening inkcap fungus on saline lagoon footpath

Common inkcap fungus on Wader Lake footpath

Marsh marigolds and snake's head fritillary in flower on Forgotten Meadow

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