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Wildlife Sightings 15/06/2023

Weather: Sunny & Warm

River Wear Tide Level: Low

Wader Lake Species

Shelduck - 21 + 7 ducklings
Avocet - 37
Black-headed Gull - 80 + 3 chicks
Common tern - 118 + 7 chicks
Greylag Goose - 4 + 4 goslings
Gadwall - 34
Canada Goose - 4 + 2 goslings
Lapwing - 7 + 1 chick
Redshank - 5
Teal - 1
Shoveler - 8
Grey Heron - 18
Oystercatcher - 4 + 2 chicks
Common Gull - 6
Tufted Duck - 6 + 9 ducklings

Hawthorn Wood Bird Feeding Area

G.S. Woodpecker - 1
Bullfinch - 3
Goldfinch - 3
Wood Pigeon - 1

River Wear

Black-headed Gull - 16
Oystercatcher - 1
Shelduck - 1
Lesser black-backed gull - 3
Herring Gull - 3
Common Gull - 4
Common tern - 1
Grey Heron - 1

Amphibian Ponds

Reed Bunting - 1 (heard)

Dragonfly Ponds

Kestrel - 1
Swift - 1


2 x Great Crested Newt @ Amphibian Ponds
1 x Great Crested Newt @ Dragonfly Ponds
2 x Smooth Newts @ Amphibian Ponds
Great Crested Newt Efts @ Amphibian Ponds + Dragonfly Ponds
Common Newt Efts @ Amphibian Ponds + Dragonfly Ponds

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