Wildlife Sightings - 16/06/2024


Weather: Overcast

River Wear Tide Level Tide Level: Mid

Wader Lake Species

Greylag Goose - 6

Mute Swan - 1

Shelduck - 38

Gadwall - 3

Tufted Duck - 9

Stock Dove - 1

Coot - 3

Oystercatcher - 2

Lapwing - 10

Redshank - 11

Little ringed plover - 1

Avocet - 11 + 2chicks

Shoveler - 2 (M)

Pied Wagtail - 1 Juv

Sand Martin - 10

Common Tern - 70

Hawthorn Wood Bird Feeding Station

Treecreeper - 1

Nuthatch - 1

Willow Tit ( unringed ) - 1

Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1 (M)

Dunnock - 2

Bullfinch - 2 (M) 1 (F)

Goldfinch - 3 + 1 Junior

Chaffinch - 2 (F) 1 (M)

Great Tit - 1 + 6 juv

Coal Tit - 1

Moorhen - 1

Mallard - 1 (M) 1 (F)

Magpie - 2

Blue Tit - 2 + 1 juv

Robin - 1 + 1 juv

Bird Species Noted Around Site

Reed Bunting - Saline Lagoon - 1 (F)

Common Whitethroat - Amphibian Ponds - 1

Swift - Amphibian Ponds - 1

Great Spotted Woodpecker - The Lookout - 1

Bullfinch - The Lookout - 1

Greenfinch - Amphibian Ponds - 1

Jay - Hawthorn Wood - 1

Goldcrest - Hawthorn Wood - 1

Treecreeper - Hawthorn Wood - 1

Jackdaw - Hawthorn Wood - 1

Carrion Crow - North Wood - 2

Chiffchaff - Hawthorn Wood - 1

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