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Wildlife Sightings - 17/06/2023

Weather: sunny

River wear tide level: low


Wader lake:

Avocet - 34 + 4 nest

Oystercatcher -2 + 2 chicks

Lapwing - 8 + 1 chick

Redshank - 3 +1

Common Tern - 184 + 17 chicks

Black-headed Gull - 109 + 22 chicks

Common Gull - 5

Kingfisher - 1

Teal - 1

Gadwall - 11

Shoveler - 6

Grey Heron - 23

Hawthorn wood:

Stock Dove - 3

Great spotted woodpecker - 1

Nuthatch - 1

Bullfinch - 7

Goldfinch - 10

Greenfinch - 3 + 6

Chaffinch - 4

Robin - 1 +1

Dunnock - 2 +1

Reed Bunting - 1

Other birds noted around site:

Shelduck - 15 +30 young (Wader lake)

Tufted duck - 3 + 6 young (Wader lake)

Swallow - 3 (Feed low over Wader lake)

Sand Martin - 1 (Feed low over Wader lake)

Swift - 2 (Feed low over Wader lake)

Tree Sparrow - 1 +2 I(Centre feeders)

Lapwing - 4 (Lagoon)

Black-headed Gull - 3 (Lagoon)

Reed Warbler - 1 (Lagoon)

Common White Throat - 1 +2 (Lagoon path)

Other Wildlife Species noted around site:


Chimney Sweeper

6 Spot Burnet

Small Skipper

(All in Old Oak Meadow)

Orange Ladybird (Hawthorn wood)

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