Wildlife Sightings - 17/08/2020

Weather: Drizzle/ Wet
River Wear Tide Level: Low

Wader Lake
Water Level: Mid (topped up by rain)

Common Tern - 6 (3 adult, 2 chick, 1 juv)
Grey Heron- 1
Ruff- 2
Avocet- 15
Ringed Plover- 1
Pied Wagtail- 5
Gadwall- 30 (25 adults and 5 young)
Teal- 62
Shelduck - 9
Little Ringed Plover- 2 (juv)

Saline Lagoon

Mallard- 50

Hawthorn Wood

Jay- 2
Sparrowhawk- 1 (male)
Chiffchaff- 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker- 5 (1 male, 1 female, 3 juv)
Dunnock- 1
Chaffinch- 20
Nuthatch- 1
Treecreeper- 2
Bullfinch- 6
Goldfinch- 3
Blue Tit- 15
Great Tit- 12
Coal Tit- 12

Other Birds Noted Around Site

Curlew (Window on the Wear) - 1
Redshank (Window on the Wear)- 1
Jay (Window on the Wood)- 2
Coal Tit (Window on the Wood)- 2
Blue Tit (Window on the Wood)- 2
Robin (Window on the Wood)- 2

Flora/ Fungi
Common Stinkhorn

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