wildlife Sightings - 17/11/2021

Weather: broken cloud / sunny

Wind speed: low

River wear tide level: low


Wader lake:

Teal - 176

Moorhen - 4

Lapwing - 3

Black-headed Gulls - 10

Shelduck - 11

Saline Lagoon:

Redshank - 1

Curlew - 1 (Meadow)

Other birds noted around site:

Little Egret - 1 (River wear- window on the wear 2)

Little Grebe - 1 (Window on the wear 2)

Cormorant - 2 (Window on the wear 2)

Goosander - 2 (Window on the wear)

Siskin - 11 (Amphibian pond)

Hawthorn wood:

Great spotted woodpecker - 1

Nuthatch - 1

Chaffinch - 15

Bullfinch - 3

Coal tit - 1

Wood pigeon - 2

Lookout feeding station:

Great tit - 4

Blue tit - 2

Willow tit - 2

Other wildlife species around site:


Wood blewit

Milk white brittlegill

( North wood)

Parmelie Caperata (Lichen)

(Hawthorn wood)

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