Wildlife sightings - 18/08/2020

a.m Tide Level: Low

Wader Lake

Snipe 1

Grey heron 5

Common tern 4

Gadwall 9

Lapwing 311

Ruff 2

White wagtail 1

Teal 40

Saline Lagoon

Grey heron 1

Lapwing 2

Mallard 24

Hawthorn Wood

Jay 2

Great-spotted woodpecker 1

Bullfinch 5

Chaffinch 12

Nuthatch 1

Other birds

Willow tit - 2 - Window on the Wood

Jay - 1 - Window on the wood

Great-spotted woodpecker - 1 - Window on the wood

Robin - 4 - Window on the wood

Little egret - 2 - River Wear


Roe deer



Wall butterfly


Stinkhorn fungus

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