Wildlife Sightings - 19/04/2023

Weather: Cloudy

River river tide level: Low

Wader lake species:

Avocet - 26

Oyster catcher - 4

Lapwing - 16

Herring gull - 46

Black headed gull - 22

lesser black - backed gull - 4

Grey Heron - 32

Barn swallow - 5

Hawthorn wood bird feeding station:

Stock dove - 3

Reed bunting - 2

Robin - 2

Dunnock - 2

Goldfinch - 3

Bullfinch - 6

Great tit - 4

Blue tit - 1

Chaffinch - 1

Birds species noted around site:

Black headed gull (River wear) - 10

Grey wagtail (River wear) - 1

Lesser black backed gul (River wear) - 2

Cormorant (River wear) - 1

Shelduck (River wear) - 2

Oyster catcher (Saline lagoon) - 2

Teal (Saline lagoon) - 6

Shelduck (Saline lagoon) - 11

Chaffinch ( the lookout) 2

Robin ( the lookout) 1

Tufted duck (Reservoir) 4

Flora / Fungi:

Red Campion Grounds

Cowslip (Forgotton meadow & Waderlake meadow)

Common inkcap ( Middle wood)

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