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Wildlife Sightings 19/06/2023

a.m. Tide Level: Low

Wader Lake

Black-headed gull 70

Med x black-headed gull 1

Shelduck 17 + 7 ducklings

Gadwall 2 + 12 ducklings

Avocet 31

Common tern 48 + 15 chicks

Tufted duck 4 + 9 ducklings

Canada goose 5

Oystercatcher 1 + 1 chick

Grey heron 14

Common gull 6

Lapwing 2

Hawthorn Wood

Bullfinch 5

Robin 1

Great-spotted woodpecker 1

Blue tit 2

Great tit 3

Greenfinch 2

Chaffinch 2

Reed bunting 1

Goldfinch 3

Other birds around site

Little ringed plover - 1- Wader Lake

Grey heron - 2 - Saline lagoon

Herring gull - 23 - River Wear

Kestrel - 2 chicks - Saline lagoon

Tufted duck - reservoir

Candad goose- 1 - reservoir

Greylag goose -1 - reservoir

Canada goose x greylag hybrid - 4 goslings - reservoir

Blackcap - 1 - South wood


European otter - seen from window on the Wear

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