Wildlife Sightings 21st November 2023

Flock of about 20 Lesser Redpoll and Siskin flying around wildside. A Water Pipit on the marsh. 14 Fieldfare and 7 Siskin flying over the site.

1 Water Pipit - marsh

20 Lesser Redpoll and Siskin - wildside

14 Fieldfare - over, heading north

7 Siskin - over, heading west

2 Stonechat - marsh / reedbeds

1 Redwing - world wetlands

1 Chiffchaff - wildside

200 Starling - roosting

3 Great Crested Grebe - main lake, reservoir lagoon

31 Lapwing - main lake

39 Teal - wader scrape

38 Wigeon - site count (19/11)

122 Gadwall - site count (19/11)

135 Black Headed Gull - site count (19/11)

12 Common Gull - site count (19/11)

7 Lesser Black Backed Gull - site count (19/11)

104 Herring Gull - site count (19/11)

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