Wildlife sightings - 22/08/2018

Wader Lake (AM, mid-tide):

Lapwing 283

Black-tailed godwit 1

Common tern 6

Dunlin 1

Avocet 1

Redshank 12

Common snipe 13

Lesser black-backed gulls 3 (1 adult and 2 juveniles)


Saline lagoon:

Common snipe 1

Greenshank 1

Green sandpiper 1

Curlew 1


Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Bullfinch 3

Goldfinch 12

Great-spotted woodpecker 1

Greenfinch 5

Chaffinch 8

Blue tit 7

Great tit 7

Nuthatch 1

Coal tit 2

Willow tit 1


Elsewhere on site:

Common buzzard overhead 1

Wren in Hawthorn Wood 1

Cormorant (5) and sand martin (2) on the River Wear

Tufted duck on the reservoir 14


Comma butterfly in the orchard

Wall brown butterfly on Wader Lake footpath

Common darter dragonfly at the amphibian ponds



Common bent


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