Wildlife Sightings - 23/10/2021

Weather: bright

Wind speed: low

River wear tide level: mid


Wader lake:

Black headed Gulls - 26

Moorhen - 4

Teal - 116

Buzzard - 1

Lapwing - 2

Redshank - 2

Saline lagoon:

Black headed Gull - 6

Moorhen - 1

Teal - 13

Other birds noted around site:

Fieldfare - 3 (Wader lake footpath)

Goldfinch - 10 (Wader lake footpath)

Siskin - 40 (Wader lake footpath)

Curlew - 1 (Wader lake footpath) (Flying)

linnet - 1 (Saline lagoon footpath)

Wren - 1 (Saline lagoon footpath)

Cormorant - 1 ( River wear)

Little Grebe - 1 (Reservoir)

Hawthorn wood:

Sparrowhawk - 1

Bullfinch - 4

Greenfinch - 3

Great spotted woodpecker - 1

Nuthatch - 1

Dunnock - 1

Willow tit - 1

Chaffinch - 4

Lookout feeding station:

Willow tit - 1

Bullfinch - 2

Other wildlife species around site:


Red winged - 20

Field fore - 3

Mistle Thrush - 2

Jay - 3


Flora / Fungi:

Pleated inkcap - 1

(notes of interest)

Sparrowhawk flew down from on the top of hawthorn wood hide and caught a (suspected) Great spotted woodpecker this morning.

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