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Wildlife Sightings - 24/07/2023

Weather: overcast

River wear tide level: high


Wader lake:

Little Egret - 1

Common Sandpiper - 1

Oystercatcher - 2

Avocet - 27

Redshank - 44

Lapwing - 198

Ruff - 3

Curlew - 4

Shelduck - 15

Gadwall - 10 + 8 young

Tufted duck - 2 + 1 young

Common Tern - 11 + 2 young

Greylag - 2

Black-headed Gull

Saline Lagoon:

Lapwing - 26

Carriin crow - 4

Hawthorn wood:

Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1 Juvenile

Dunnock - 3

Great tit - 5

Blue tit - 6

Chaffinch - 4

Coal tit - 4

Bullfinch - 2

Robin - 1

Nuthatch - 1

Other birds noted around:

Grey Heron - 10 (Heron Hedge)

Kestrel - 2 (Heron Hedge)

Willow Warbler - 5 ( 4 juvenile) (Reserve Orchard)

Blackcap - 3 (2 juvenile) South Wood)

Other Wildlife species noted on site:




Hairy Shieldbug

22-spot Ladybird

22-spot Larva

Harleguin Ladybird

Flora / Fungi:

Ribbed Melilot

Prickly sow Thistle


Peremial sow Thistle

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