Wildlife sightings - 24/08/2022

Wader Lake (AM, low tide):

Avocet 11

Black-tailed godwit 7

Ruff 1

Dunlin 1

Lapwing 68

Common snipe 3

Common tern 6

Black-headed gull 2

Teal 30

Gadwall 9

Hawthorn Wood and The Lookout feeding stations:


Coal tit 3

Greenfinch 7

Nuthatch 1

Dunnock 1

Sparrowhawk 1

Robin 2


Great tit 7

Coal tit 1

Chaffinch 3

Blue tit 3


Sedge warbler at the Saline Lagoon 1

Curlew on the River Wear 2

Lesser black-backed gull on the River Wear 4

Grey partridge on Wader Lake path 12

A roe deer on Hidden Meadow

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