wildlife sightings 24/11/20

Weather - Cold, over cast with light winds, tide level low

Wader Lake: Shelduck 18, Moorhen 5, Teal 5, Grey Heron (meadow) 1, Black headed Gull 28, Redshank 4

Saline Lagoon: Grey Heron 3, Teal 28, Redshank 1

Hawthorn wood hide: Goldfinch 4, Great spotted woodpecker 2, Chaffinch 3, Bullfinch 3

Hawthorn wood lookout: Coal Tit 6, Robin 1, Bullfinch 8, Chaffinch 5, Nuthatch 1, Great tit 3, Blue tit 2

Other birds noted around site:

Buzzard 1 (flying over near the amphibian ponds) , Great tit 1, Robin 2, Blackbird 4 (Wader lake foot path)

Other wildlife species around site:

Roe Deer 1 (old oak meadow), Rat 1 (Hawthorn hide)

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