Wildlife sightings - 25/09/18

Wader Lake (AM, low tide):

Avocet (juvenile) 1

Teal 17

Lapwing 230

Common snipe 1

Black-headed gull 165

Lesser black-backed gull (juveniles) 2

Herring gull 1


Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Great-spotted woodpecker 2

Coal tit 2

Blue tit 4

Robin 1

Chaffinch 5

Great tit 4

Willow tit 2

Goldfinch 1

Dunnock 1


Other birds on site:

Teal on the Saline Lagoon 3

Curlew on Saline Lagoon meadow 2

Tufted duck 19 and northern shoveler 1 on the reservoir

Grey heron on the River Wear 2

Blackbird 1 and long-tailed tit 2 in Millennium Wood

Comma and speckled wood butterflies

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