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Wildlife Sightings - 25/02/2024

Weather: sunny

River Wear Tide Level: Low

Wader Lake Species

Tufted Duck - 4

Avocet - 1

Mediterranean Gull - 1

Gadwall - 3

Shoveler - 6

Widgeon - 4

Grey Heron - 22

Oystercatcher - 3

Lapwing - 107

Shelduck - 23

Canada Goose - 16

Mute Swan - 3

Teal - 3

Hawthorn Wood Bird Feeding Station

Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1

Stock Dove - 1

Reed Bunting - 1

Long-Tailed tit - 2

Bullfinch - 5

Goldfinch - 1

Coal tit - 2

Chaffinch - 1

Robin - 2

Nuthatch - 1

Blue tit - 6

Great tit - 4

Bird Species Noted Around Site

Redshank - 3 (River Wear)

Reed bunting - 1 (Wader lake footpath)

Oystercatcher - 2 (Saline Lagoon)

Kestrel - 1 (River Reedbed)

Buzzard - 1 (Corn Meadow)

Great-spotted Woodpecker - 1 (Centre Feeders)

Greenfinch - 3 (Centre Feeders)

Jay - 1 (Top Meadow)

Willow tit - 1 (Hawthorn wood)

Mute Swan - 5 (Forgotten Meadow & ponds (over)

Song Thrush - 1 (North Wood)

Pink footed Goose (Over Visitor Centre) (North)

Goldcrest - 1 (Hollow wood) (Singing)

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