Wildlife Sightings - 25/06/21

Weather: Overcast and Rain

Wind Speed: Moderate

River Wear Tide Level: Low

Wader Lake


Spoonbill 1

Avocet 17

Common Tern >49+16 chicks

Lapwing 1

Oystercatcher 2+1 brood

Black Headed Gull 53+14 chicks

Shelduck 33+3 broods

Gadwall 5

Grey Heron 9

Swallow 2

Saline Lagoon


Shelduck 1

Gadwall 2

Hawthorn Wood

Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 (male)

Reed Bunting 1 (male)

Tree Sparrow 1

Greenfinch 2

Bullfinch 3

Great Tit 5+3 fledglings

Lookout feeding station

Bullfinch 2

Great Tit 2

Blue Tit 1

Dunnock 1

Robin 1

Other birds noted around site

Greenfinch 1 (Wader Lake Path)

Goldfinch 2 (Wader Lake Path)

Song Thrush 1 (Staff car park)

Tufted Duck 15+2 broods of ducklings

Other wildlife species around site

Stinkhorn Egg (Hollowood fence line)

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