Wildlife sightings - 26/09/18

Wader Lake (AM, low tide):

Teal 41

Avocet (immature) 1

Black-headed gull 83

Curlew 1

Lesser black-backed gull (juvenile) 3

Lapwing 20

Jackdaw 1


Saline lagoon:

Wigeon 1

Teal 6

Black-headed gull 4

Curlew 1


Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Great-spotted woodpecker (immature) 3

Blue tit 6

Great tit 5

Jay 1

Woodpigeon (immature) 1

Coal tit 3

Robin 1

Chaffinch 5

Greenfinch 3

Willow tit 1

Nuthatch (heard) 1


Other species noted:

Grey heron on Forgotten Meadow 1

Grey heron on the Stream Channel 1

Buzzard over site 1

Kingfisher at the gully 1

Redshank on the River Wear 1

Grey heron on the River Wear 1

Black-headed gull on the River Wear 23

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