Wildlife Sightings - 26/06/21

Below is our wildlife sightings daily log for the morning of Saturday 26th June, 2021. The weather conditions were overcast, with a light wind speed, and the tide level was mid/low.

Wader Lake

(16:00) SPOONBILL - 1

Avocet - 20

Common Tern - 43

Black Headed Gull - 65

Mediterranean Gull - 1

Oystercatcher - 3

Oystercatcher (Juvenile) - 1

Lapwing - 3

Redshank - 2

Shelduck - 14 (+4 Broods)

Mute Swan - 2

Grey Heron - 3

Pied Wagtail - 1

Saline Lagoon

Gadwall - 8

Greylag Flock - unknown

Other Birds Noted Around Site

Swallow (Wader Lake) - 12

Goldfinch (Wader Lake Path) - 6

Dunnock (Wader Lake Path) - 1

Dunnock (Fledgling) (Wader Lake Path) - 1

Tufted Duck (Reservoir) - 13

Tufted Duck (Duckling) (Reservoir) - 3

Canada x Greylag (Goslings) (Reservoir) - 6

Hawthorn Wood

Great Spotted Woodpecker (Juvenile) - 1

Reed Bunting - 3

Bullfinch - 2

Greenfinch - 4

Nuthatch - 2

Great Tit - 5

Great Tit (Fledgling) - 2

Blue Tit - 2

Blue Tit (Fledgling) - 1

Lookout Feeding Station

Willow Tit - 1

Great Tit - 1

Great Tit (Fledgling) - 1

Coal Tit - 1

Chaffinch - 2

Bullfinch - 2

Robin - 2


No sightings.

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