Wildlife Sightings - 26/09/2020

Weather: Sunny / Light showers

Wind speed: Gusty

River wear tide level: Mid

Wader lake - AM - Mid water level

Lapwing - 90

Redshank - 22

Curlew - 6

Black - Tailed godwit - 2

Common snipe - 2

Wigeon - 3

Shelduck - 3

Gadwall - 10

Grey Heron - 3

Saline Lagoon

Curlew - 1

Swallow (low over the meadow) - 2

Other birds noted around the site

greenfinch (2 adults 4 juvenile) - corner meadow - 6

Long - tailed tit - corner meadow - 8

Goldcrest - corner meadow - 2

Grey wagtail - Window on the wear - 3

Little grebe - window on the wear - 1

common sandpiper - window on the wear - 1

Cormorant - river - 2

Hawthorn wood

Goldfinch - 10

Bullfinch (3 female 2 male 1 juvenile) - 6

Willow tit - 1

Other wildlife species around the site

Otter tracks at the window on the wear

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