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Wildlife Sightings - 27/09/18

Wader Lake     Time/AM     Tide/Mid

Avocet - 1 (immature)

Black-tailed Godwit - 2

Curlew - 1

Lapwing - 60

Herring Gull - 26

Lesser Black-backed Gull - 2 (1st winter)

Black-headed Gull - 106

Teal - 22

Jackdaw - 60

Starling - 5


Saline Lagoon

Wigeon - 1

Black-headed Gull - 41

Teal - 12

Redshank - 6


Hawthorn Wood

Great Spotted Woodpecker - 1 (male)

Willow Tit - 3

Coal Tit - 3

Blue Tit - 9

Great Tit - 6

Greenfinch - 2

Bullfinch - 4

Chaffinch - 10

Robin - 2


Other Birds Noted Around Site

Cormorant (River) - 2

Grey Heron (River) - 2

Jay (River) - 3

Great Black-backed Gull (River) - 1

Song Thrush (lagoon path) - 1


Other Wildlife Species


Comma (top meadow) - 2

Speckled Wood (spring gill) - 12

Red Admiral (gully) - 1

Southern Hawker (top meadow) - 1

Common Darter (amphibian ponds) - 1

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