Wildlife sightings - 28/12/18

Wader Lake (AM, mid-high tide):

Shelduck 5

Grey heron 1

Lapwing 85

Black-headed gull 46

Redshank 20

Water rail (Paddy Fleming Hide) 1


Saline lagoon (AM, mid-high tide):

Curlew 33

Teal 41

Grey heron 1


Hawthorn Wood feeding station:

Great-spotted woodpecker 3

Lesser redpoll 3

Brambling 3

Nuthatch 1

Bullfinch 7

Chaffinch 8

Greenfinch 3

Great tit 9

Blue tit 8

Coal tit 3

Jay 1



Lesser redpoll in the silver birch trees at Ganderland 6

Great-spotted woodpecker under the pines area 1

Mandarin duck in Close Encounters 1

Kestrel near the composting toilet 1

Bullfinch near the otter enclosure 6

Mute swan on the River Wear 2

Little grebe on the River Wear 1

Redwing on Wader Lake footpath 46

Roe deer between North Wood and Hidden Meadow 5

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