Wildlife Sightings - 28/05/2020

Weather: sunny

Wind speed: light

River Wear Tide Level: mid

Wader Lake - AM - water level low

Avocet 32 adults + 1 chick

Oystercatcher 3 adults + 1 chick

Lapwing 10

Redshank 2

Little ringed plover 2

Curlew 1

Common tern 178

Black headed gull 86

Lesser black backed gull 2

Jackdaw 60

Shelduck 47 adults + 16 ducklings (1 brood)

Grey heron 28

Canada goose 28


Saline Lagoon

Avocet 2

Hawthorn Wood

Great spotted woodpecker 2

Willow tit 1

Bullfinch 5

Nuthatch 1

Other birds noted around site

Shelduck (Reservoir) 1 brood of 12 and 1 brood of 14

Songthrush (Hollowood) 1 juvenile

Chiffchaff (Hollowood) 3 juveniles

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